Rincian Publikasi "Forecasting of Agricultural Production Results in South Denpasar Using Quadratic Trend Method Based GIS" oleh Dr. PAULA DEWANTI, S.Kom., M.Kom

JudulForecasting of Agricultural Production Results in South Denpasar Using Quadratic Trend Method Based GIS
Nama JurnalInternational Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
ISSN 2454-1907


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Data Lengkap
    [id] => 483
    [id_user] => PDI                                                                                                 
    [type_user] => dosen                                                                                               
    [type_publikasi] => Journal External                                                                                    
    [title] => Forecasting of Agricultural Production Results in South Denpasar Using Quadratic Trend Method Based GIS
    [penerbit] => IJETMR
    [ISBN] =>                                                                                                     
    [ISSN] =>  2454-1907                                                                                          
    [tempat_pelaksanaan] => 
    [volume] => 5
    [nomor] => 2
    [keterangan_lain] => DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.1186523
    [status] => 1
    [tgl_posting] => 2018-10-12 15:11:20.190
    [tgl_pelaksanaan] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
    [tahun_terbit] => 2018
    [nama_proceedings] => 
    [nama_jurnal] => International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research
    [id2] => b9dfda828b79458a921b0f0018870c63
    [PeriodeUpdtDtPubDos] => 
    [JENIS_BIAYA] => Biaya Sendiri
    [BESAR_BIAYA] => 1600000
    [jenis_hki] => 
    [no_pendaftaran_hki] => 
    [status_hki] => 
    [jumlah_halaman_buku] => 
    [publikasi_lain_jenis] => 
    [publikasi_lain_deskripsi_singkat] => 
    [jenis_jurnal] => Jurnal Internasional
    [halaman_jurnal_dari] => 170
    [halaman_jurnal_sampai] => 180
    [url_jurnal] => http://www.ijetmr.com/Articles/Vol5Iss2/18_IJETMR18_A02_265.pdf
    [nama_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [institusi_penyelenggara_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_dari] => 1900-01-01
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_sampai] => 1900-01-01
    [status_pemakalah_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [tingkat_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [terakreditasi] => 
    [jumlah_citasi] => 0
    [excel_tahun] => 
    [GS_authors] => NN Supuwiningsih, P Dewanti, K Sukerti, IMA Wirahadi Putra
    [GS_Venue] => International Journal of Engineering Technologies and Management Research 5 …, 2018 