Rudas : Energy and Sensor Devices Management System in Home Automation Based on Internet of Things

Kategori PenelitianPenelitian Internal
Tgl Posting2016-01-13 08:47:27.987
JudulRudas : Energy and Sensor Devices Management System in Home Automation Based on Internet of Things
AbstrakThis research is a concept of home automation control and management where users can organize all the things at their house integrated to a smartphone or other gadgets to the Internet network. The main focus in this work is to build a platform to implement the latest technology using single board computers (or microcomputers), microcontrollers, responsive web technology, database systems, environmentally sensitive devices, socket technology, cameras and cloud computing. The whole system is called Rudas. Rudas is stand for Rumah Cerdas (means intelligent home in Bahasa). Rudas is easy to use and install, and it does not require a large space in the placement. This work is applying the Internet of Things technologies which each device in the home will have an address that is used as the unique identity. The Ethernet shield is used as an embedded module address so that each device can communicate with server or other devices. With the help of Ethernet shield modules, various sensors are integrated to determine the condition of the house such as measuring temperature, humidity, monitor the gas leakage, smoke detector, detect the presence of people, knowing the level of brightness, measured the power consumption and various other sensors. In addition, home owners can also turn on and off the lights and adjust the brightness level via web interface. The system also automatically calculates and records all the data that occur in the home such as the use of water and electricity as well as the circumstances of the reading sensor mounted inside the house. The system is equipped with a camera and displays directly on the web page. The attached camera can be controlled and users can monitors all corners of the house. The camera can also be used to record video and taking pictures of what is happening in the house, and the results are automatically stored in the database. The concept of green energy using environmentally friendly energy source is applied, so that it will minimize the negative impacts on the environment. Alternative energy source that used is the sun implemented by using solar. This will be the starting point to brought home automation systems where home owners can manage all parts in the house by using a system that is integrated into a smartphone or the other gadgets. From a smartphone, user can control the contents of the home while being far away from home. The systems that offered on this work is expected to be a future solution to improve the quality of human life. This work is not only offers security features, but more than that. Starts from a good home devices management and other aspects are included, such as security, energy savings and monitoring what is happening inside the house.
AuthorsPADMA NYOMAN CRISNAPATI, S.Kom., M.Pd., M.Kom. (ketua)
Tgl Mulai2016-03-07 16:21:00.000
Tgl Selesai2016-05-23 23:59:00.000