Rincian Publikasi "Online Learning Development of Interactive Multimedia based Geographic Information Systems" oleh I WAYAN JEPRIANA, S.Kom., M.Cs

JudulOnline Learning Development of Interactive Multimedia based Geographic Information Systems
Nama JurnalInternational Journal of Computer Applications


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Data Lengkap
    [id] => 516
    [id_user] => IWJ                                                                                                 
    [type_user] => dosen                                                                                               
    [type_publikasi] => Journal External                                                                                    
    [title] => Online Learning Development of Interactive Multimedia based Geographic Information Systems
    [penerbit] => Foundation of Computer Science (FCS), NY, USA
    [ISBN] =>                                                                                                     
    [ISSN] => 0975-8887                                                                                           
    [tempat_pelaksanaan] => 
    [volume] => 181
    [nomor] => 36
    [keterangan_lain] => -
    [status] => 1
    [tgl_posting] => 2019-07-04 15:08:08.943
    [tgl_pelaksanaan] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
    [tahun_terbit] => 2019
    [nama_proceedings] => 
    [nama_jurnal] => International Journal of Computer Applications
    [id2] => 82e4d28ad994dcd69194f993855e208f
    [PeriodeUpdtDtPubDos] => 
    [JENIS_BIAYA] => Biaya Sendiri
    [BESAR_BIAYA] => 9000
    [jenis_hki] => 
    [no_pendaftaran_hki] => 
    [status_hki] => 
    [jumlah_halaman_buku] => 
    [publikasi_lain_jenis] => 
    [publikasi_lain_deskripsi_singkat] => 
    [jenis_jurnal] => Jurnal Internasional
    [halaman_jurnal_dari] => 16
    [halaman_jurnal_sampai] => 20
    [url_jurnal] => https://www.ijcaonline.org/archives/volume181/number36/30266-2019918327
    [nama_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [institusi_penyelenggara_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_dari] => 1900-01-01
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_sampai] => 1900-01-01
    [status_pemakalah_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [tingkat_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [terakreditasi] => 
    [jumlah_citasi] => 2
    [excel_tahun] => 
    [GS_authors] => NN Supuwiningsih, IW Jepriana
    [GS_Venue] => International Journal of Computer Applications 181 (36), 16-20, 2019 