Rincian Publikasi "The Roles Played of Semantic Theory Found in Novel the Moon that Embracing the Sun Translation" oleh Dr. I WAYAN SURYASA, S.S., M.Hum

JudulThe Roles Played of Semantic Theory Found in Novel the Moon that Embracing the Sun Translation
Nama JurnalInternational Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture


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Data Lengkap
    [id] => 358
    [id_user] => LNK                                                                                                 
    [type_user] => dosen                                                                                               
    [type_publikasi] => Journal External                                                                                    
    [title] => The Roles Played of Semantic Theory Found in Novel the Moon that Embracing the Sun Translation
    [penerbit] => IJCU Publishing, California South University
    [ISBN] =>                                                                                                     
    [ISSN] => 2455-8028                                                                                           
    [tempat_pelaksanaan] => 
    [volume] => 2
    [nomor] => 1
    [keterangan_lain] => 
    [status] => 1
    [tgl_posting] => 2018-04-24 17:59:22.997
    [tgl_pelaksanaan] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
    [tahun_terbit] => 2016
    [nama_proceedings] => 
    [nama_jurnal] => International Journal of Linguistics, Literature, and Culture
    [id2] => 133cb53aad5943523a4afa4859a3af54
    [PeriodeUpdtDtPubDos] => 
    [JENIS_BIAYA] => Biaya Sendiri
    [BESAR_BIAYA] => 2500000
    [jenis_hki] => 
    [no_pendaftaran_hki] => 
    [status_hki] => 
    [jumlah_halaman_buku] => 
    [publikasi_lain_jenis] => 
    [publikasi_lain_deskripsi_singkat] => 
    [jenis_jurnal] => Jurnal Internasional
    [halaman_jurnal_dari] => 39
    [halaman_jurnal_sampai] => 42
    [url_jurnal] => https://ijcujournals.us/journals/index.php/ijllc/article/view/83
    [nama_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [institusi_penyelenggara_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_dari] => 1900-01-01
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_sampai] => 1900-01-01
    [status_pemakalah_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [tingkat_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [terakreditasi] => 
    [jumlah_citasi] => 12
    [excel_tahun] => 
    [GS_authors] => IW Suryasa
    [GS_Venue] => International Journal of Linguistics, Literature and Culture 2 (3), 58-62, 2016 