Rincian Publikasi "Utilizing Educational Technologies Technlogies to Optimize Student and Teacher Learning at Dharma Laksana Mataram Orphanage" oleh NI NYOMAN SUPUWININGSIH, S.T., M.Kom

JudulUtilizing Educational Technologies Technlogies to Optimize Student and Teacher Learning at Dharma Laksana Mataram Orphanage
Nama JurnalJournal of Innovation and Community Engagement


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Data Lengkap
    [id] => 3104
    [id_user] => SPW                                                                                                 
    [type_user] => dosen                                                                                               
    [type_publikasi] => Journal External                                                                                    
    [title] => Utilizing Educational Technologies Technlogies to Optimize Student and Teacher Learning at Dharma Laksana Mataram Orphanage
    [penerbit] => Universitas Kristen Maranatha Bandung
    [ISBN] =>                                                                                                     
    [ISSN] => 2776-0421                                                                                           
    [tempat_pelaksanaan] => 
    [volume] => 2
    [nomor] => 1
    [keterangan_lain] => 
    [status] => 1
    [tgl_posting] => 2021-09-01 06:20:17.997
    [tgl_pelaksanaan] => 1900-01-01 00:00:00.000
    [tahun_terbit] => 2021
    [nama_proceedings] => 
    [nama_jurnal] => Journal of Innovation and Community Engagement
    [id2] => 6df58d9feecb9b3aa45612e4d0ecdb4a
    [PeriodeUpdtDtPubDos] => 
    [JENIS_BIAYA] => 
    [BESAR_BIAYA] => 
    [jenis_hki] => 
    [no_pendaftaran_hki] => 
    [status_hki] => 
    [jumlah_halaman_buku] => 
    [publikasi_lain_jenis] => 
    [publikasi_lain_deskripsi_singkat] => 
    [jenis_jurnal] => Jurnal Nasional Terakreditasi
    [halaman_jurnal_dari] => 11
    [halaman_jurnal_sampai] => 21
    [url_jurnal] => https://journal.maranatha.edu/index.php/ice/issue/current
    [nama_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [institusi_penyelenggara_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_dari] => 1900-01-01
    [waktu_pelaksanaan_forum_ilmiah_sampai] => 1900-01-01
    [status_pemakalah_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [tingkat_forum_ilmiah] => 
    [terakreditasi] => -1
    [jumlah_citasi] => 
    [excel_tahun] => 
    [GS_authors] => 
    [GS_Venue] => 